gammy J always knows best. she was a mother first, after all.

Welcome to my fantabulous little corner of the World.

Come in, stay awhile, and wOnder around the Menu, cause you never know what trinkets are lying around to discover. Darhlings, my world is filled with musings, wonderment, bemusement, Familia reminisces, and commentary only a gammy can get away with sharing with the world.

And naturally, my necessary reveries are when I redirect, “why are you thinking that way dear”, because quite simply, you’re wrong. And as is with the dearest of us Grandmothers, I will always have your back no matter the what, when, why, and especially the who.

Wisdom & Truth never cliché, just forevermorre, Evermorré.

AND for my favoritest people in the whole wide world, my four (thus far) precious & perfect-est GrandDarhlings, I will continue to share my lifetime of learnings, experiences, traditions, and thought-thinking profundities right here… …between me & you!

And of course those things you can’t tell mom, stays between us.

Oh, I know dear reader, you’re saying to yourself, gammy J sounds way over the top cause nobody’s grandchildren are that precious & perfect. And I suppose you have a point, dear, BUT MINE are.

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